Binary compatibility report for the metrics-graphite library between 4.2.28 and 5.0.0 versions

Test Info

Library Namemetrics-graphite
Version #14.2.28
Version #25.0.0

Test Results

Total Java Modules1
Total Methods / Classes138 / 14
Compatibility 0%

Problem Summary

Added Methods-67
Removed MethodsHigh71
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with

Added Methods  67 

metrics-graphite-5.0.0.jar, Builder.class
package io.dropwizard.metrics5.graphite ( Graphite graphite )  :  GraphiteReporter ( GraphiteSender graphite )  :  GraphiteReporter
GraphiteReporter.Builder.convertDurationsTo ( TimeUnit durationUnit )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.Builder.convertRatesTo ( TimeUnit rateUnit )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.Builder.disabledMetricAttributes ( Set<MetricAttribute> disabledMetricAttributes )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.Builder.filter ( MetricFilter filter )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.Builder.prefixedWith ( String prefix )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.Builder.scheduleOn ( ScheduledExecutorService executor )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.Builder.shutdownExecutorOnStop ( boolean shutdownExecutorOnStop )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.Builder.withClock ( Clock clock )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder

metrics-graphite-5.0.0.jar, Graphite.class
package io.dropwizard.metrics5.graphite
Graphite.close ( )  :  void
Graphite.connect ( )  :  void
Graphite.flush ( )  :  void
Graphite.getFailures ( )  :  int
Graphite.Graphite ( InetSocketAddress address )
Graphite.Graphite ( InetSocketAddress address, SocketFactory socketFactory )
Graphite.Graphite ( InetSocketAddress address, SocketFactory socketFactory, Charset charset )
Graphite.Graphite ( String hostname, int port )
Graphite.Graphite ( String hostname, int port, SocketFactory socketFactory )
Graphite.Graphite ( String hostname, int port, SocketFactory socketFactory, Charset charset )
Graphite.isConnected ( )  :  boolean
Graphite.sanitize ( String s )  :  String
Graphite.send ( String name, String value, long timestamp )  :  void

metrics-graphite-5.0.0.jar, GraphiteRabbitMQ.class
package io.dropwizard.metrics5.graphite
GraphiteRabbitMQ.close ( )  :  void
GraphiteRabbitMQ.connect ( )  :  void
GraphiteRabbitMQ.flush ( )  :  void
GraphiteRabbitMQ.getFailures ( )  :  int
GraphiteRabbitMQ.GraphiteRabbitMQ ( ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, String exchange )
GraphiteRabbitMQ.GraphiteRabbitMQ ( String rabbitHost, Integer rabbitPort, String rabbitUsername, String rabbitPassword, String exchange )
GraphiteRabbitMQ.GraphiteRabbitMQ ( String rabbitHost, Integer rabbitPort, String rabbitUsername, String rabbitPassword, String exchange, Integer rabbitConnectionTimeoutMS, Integer rabbitSocketTimeoutMS, Integer rabbitRequestedHeartbeatInSeconds )
GraphiteRabbitMQ.isConnected ( )  :  boolean
GraphiteRabbitMQ.sanitize ( String s )  :  String
GraphiteRabbitMQ.send ( String name, String value, long timestamp )  :  void

metrics-graphite-5.0.0.jar, GraphiteReporter.class
package io.dropwizard.metrics5.graphite
GraphiteReporter.format ( double v )  :  String
GraphiteReporter.forRegistry ( MetricRegistry registry ) [static]  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.GraphiteReporter ( MetricRegistry registry, GraphiteSender graphite, Clock clock, String prefix, TimeUnit rateUnit, TimeUnit durationUnit, MetricFilter filter, ScheduledExecutorService executor, boolean shutdownExecutorOnStop, Set<MetricAttribute> disabledMetricAttributes ) ( SortedMap<MetricName,Gauge> gauges, SortedMap<MetricName,Counter> counters, SortedMap<MetricName,Histogram> histograms, SortedMap<MetricName,Meter> meters, SortedMap<MetricName,Timer> timers )  :  void
GraphiteReporter.stop ( )  :  void

metrics-graphite-5.0.0.jar, GraphiteSender.class
package io.dropwizard.metrics5.graphite
GraphiteSender.connect ( ) [abstract]  :  void
GraphiteSender.flush ( ) [abstract]  :  void
GraphiteSender.getFailures ( ) [abstract]  :  int
GraphiteSender.isConnected ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean
GraphiteSender.send ( String p1, String p2, long p3 ) [abstract]  :  void

metrics-graphite-5.0.0.jar, GraphiteUDP.class
package io.dropwizard.metrics5.graphite
GraphiteUDP.close ( )  :  void
GraphiteUDP.connect ( )  :  void
GraphiteUDP.flush ( )  :  void
GraphiteUDP.getFailures ( )  :  int
GraphiteUDP.GraphiteUDP ( InetSocketAddress address )
GraphiteUDP.GraphiteUDP ( String hostname, int port )
GraphiteUDP.isConnected ( )  :  boolean
GraphiteUDP.sanitize ( String s )  :  String
GraphiteUDP.send ( String name, String value, long timestamp )  :  void

metrics-graphite-5.0.0.jar, PickledGraphite.class
package io.dropwizard.metrics5.graphite
PickledGraphite.close ( )  :  void
PickledGraphite.connect ( )  :  void
PickledGraphite.flush ( )  :  void
PickledGraphite.getFailures ( )  :  int
PickledGraphite.isConnected ( )  :  boolean
PickledGraphite.PickledGraphite ( InetSocketAddress address )
PickledGraphite.PickledGraphite ( InetSocketAddress address, int batchSize )
PickledGraphite.PickledGraphite ( InetSocketAddress address, SocketFactory socketFactory, Charset charset, int batchSize )
PickledGraphite.PickledGraphite ( InetSocketAddress address, SocketFactory socketFactory, int batchSize )
PickledGraphite.PickledGraphite ( String hostname, int port )
PickledGraphite.PickledGraphite ( String hostname, int port, int batchSize )
PickledGraphite.PickledGraphite ( String hostname, int port, SocketFactory socketFactory, Charset charset, int batchSize )
PickledGraphite.PickledGraphite ( String hostname, int port, SocketFactory socketFactory, int batchSize )
PickledGraphite.sanitize ( String s )  :  String
PickledGraphite.send ( String name, String value, long timestamp )  :  void

to the top

Removed Methods  71 

metrics-graphite-4.2.28.jar, Builder.class
package com.codahale.metrics.graphite
GraphiteReporter.Builder.addMetricAttributesAsTags ( boolean addMetricAttributesAsTags )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder ( Graphite graphite )  :  GraphiteReporter ( GraphiteSender graphite )  :  GraphiteReporter
GraphiteReporter.Builder.convertDurationsTo ( TimeUnit durationUnit )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.Builder.convertRatesTo ( TimeUnit rateUnit )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.Builder.disabledMetricAttributes ( Set<MetricAttribute> disabledMetricAttributes )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.Builder.filter ( MetricFilter filter )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.Builder.prefixedWith ( String prefix )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.Builder.scheduleOn ( ScheduledExecutorService executor )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.Builder.shutdownExecutorOnStop ( boolean shutdownExecutorOnStop )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.Builder.withClock ( Clock clock )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.Builder.withFloatingPointFormatter ( DoubleFunction<String> floatingPointFormatter )  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder

metrics-graphite-4.2.28.jar, Graphite.class
package com.codahale.metrics.graphite
Graphite.close ( )  :  void
Graphite.connect ( )  :  void
Graphite.flush ( )  :  void
Graphite.getFailures ( )  :  int
Graphite.Graphite ( InetSocketAddress address )
Graphite.Graphite ( InetSocketAddress address, SocketFactory socketFactory )
Graphite.Graphite ( InetSocketAddress address, SocketFactory socketFactory, Charset charset )
Graphite.Graphite ( String hostname, int port )
Graphite.Graphite ( String hostname, int port, SocketFactory socketFactory )
Graphite.Graphite ( String hostname, int port, SocketFactory socketFactory, Charset charset )
Graphite.isConnected ( )  :  boolean
Graphite.sanitize ( String s )  :  String
Graphite.send ( String name, String value, long timestamp )  :  void

metrics-graphite-4.2.28.jar, GraphiteRabbitMQ.class
package com.codahale.metrics.graphite
GraphiteRabbitMQ.close ( )  :  void
GraphiteRabbitMQ.connect ( )  :  void
GraphiteRabbitMQ.flush ( )  :  void
GraphiteRabbitMQ.getFailures ( )  :  int
GraphiteRabbitMQ.GraphiteRabbitMQ ( ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, String exchange )
GraphiteRabbitMQ.GraphiteRabbitMQ ( String rabbitHost, Integer rabbitPort, String rabbitUsername, String rabbitPassword, String exchange )
GraphiteRabbitMQ.GraphiteRabbitMQ ( String rabbitHost, Integer rabbitPort, String rabbitUsername, String rabbitPassword, String exchange, Integer rabbitConnectionTimeoutMS, Integer rabbitSocketTimeoutMS, Integer rabbitRequestedHeartbeatInSeconds )
GraphiteRabbitMQ.isConnected ( )  :  boolean
GraphiteRabbitMQ.sanitize ( String s )  :  String
GraphiteRabbitMQ.send ( String name, String value, long timestamp )  :  void

metrics-graphite-4.2.28.jar, GraphiteReporter.class
package com.codahale.metrics.graphite
GraphiteReporter.format ( double v )  :  String
GraphiteReporter.forRegistry ( MetricRegistry registry ) [static]  :  GraphiteReporter.Builder
GraphiteReporter.GraphiteReporter ( MetricRegistry registry, GraphiteSender graphite, Clock clock, String prefix, TimeUnit rateUnit, TimeUnit durationUnit, MetricFilter filter, ScheduledExecutorService executor, boolean shutdownExecutorOnStop, Set<MetricAttribute> disabledMetricAttributes )
GraphiteReporter.GraphiteReporter ( MetricRegistry registry, GraphiteSender graphite, Clock clock, String prefix, TimeUnit rateUnit, TimeUnit durationUnit, MetricFilter filter, ScheduledExecutorService executor, boolean shutdownExecutorOnStop, Set<MetricAttribute> disabledMetricAttributes, boolean addMetricAttributesAsTags )
GraphiteReporter.GraphiteReporter ( MetricRegistry registry, GraphiteSender graphite, Clock clock, String prefix, TimeUnit rateUnit, TimeUnit durationUnit, MetricFilter filter, ScheduledExecutorService executor, boolean shutdownExecutorOnStop, Set<MetricAttribute> disabledMetricAttributes, boolean addMetricAttributesAsTags, DoubleFunction<String> floatingPointFormatter ) ( SortedMap<String,Gauge> gauges, SortedMap<String,Counter> counters, SortedMap<String,Histogram> histograms, SortedMap<String,Meter> meters, SortedMap<String,Timer> timers )  :  void
GraphiteReporter.stop ( )  :  void

metrics-graphite-4.2.28.jar, GraphiteSender.class
package com.codahale.metrics.graphite
GraphiteSender.connect ( ) [abstract]  :  void
GraphiteSender.flush ( ) [abstract]  :  void
GraphiteSender.getFailures ( ) [abstract]  :  int
GraphiteSender.isConnected ( ) [abstract]  :  boolean
GraphiteSender.send ( String p1, String p2, long p3 ) [abstract]  :  void

metrics-graphite-4.2.28.jar, GraphiteUDP.class
package com.codahale.metrics.graphite
GraphiteUDP.close ( )  :  void
GraphiteUDP.connect ( )  :  void
GraphiteUDP.flush ( )  :  void
GraphiteUDP.getFailures ( )  :  int
GraphiteUDP.GraphiteUDP ( InetSocketAddress address )
GraphiteUDP.GraphiteUDP ( String hostname, int port )
GraphiteUDP.isConnected ( )  :  boolean
GraphiteUDP.sanitize ( String s )  :  String
GraphiteUDP.send ( String name, String value, long timestamp )  :  void

metrics-graphite-4.2.28.jar, PickledGraphite.class
package com.codahale.metrics.graphite
PickledGraphite.close ( )  :  void
PickledGraphite.connect ( )  :  void
PickledGraphite.flush ( )  :  void
PickledGraphite.getFailures ( )  :  int
PickledGraphite.isConnected ( )  :  boolean
PickledGraphite.PickledGraphite ( InetSocketAddress address )
PickledGraphite.PickledGraphite ( InetSocketAddress address, int batchSize )
PickledGraphite.PickledGraphite ( InetSocketAddress address, SocketFactory socketFactory, Charset charset, int batchSize )
PickledGraphite.PickledGraphite ( InetSocketAddress address, SocketFactory socketFactory, int batchSize )
PickledGraphite.PickledGraphite ( String hostname, int port )
PickledGraphite.PickledGraphite ( String hostname, int port, int batchSize )
PickledGraphite.PickledGraphite ( String hostname, int port, SocketFactory socketFactory, Charset charset, int batchSize )
PickledGraphite.PickledGraphite ( String hostname, int port, SocketFactory socketFactory, int batchSize )
PickledGraphite.sanitize ( String s )  :  String
PickledGraphite.send ( String name, String value, long timestamp )  :  void

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity  7 

package com.codahale.metrics.graphite
[+] class Graphite  1 
[+] class GraphiteRabbitMQ  1 
[+] class GraphiteReporter  1 
[+] class GraphiteReporter.Builder  1 
[+] class GraphiteUDP  1 
[+] class PickledGraphite  1 
[+] interface GraphiteSender  1 

to the top

Java Archives  1 


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