Annotation Type Timed

  • @Inherited
    public @interface Timed
    An annotation for marking a method of an annotated object as timed.

    Given a method like this:

         @Timed(name = "fancyName")
         public String fancyName(String name) {
             return "Sir Captain " + name;

    A timer for the defining class with the name fancyName will be created and each time the #fancyName(String) method is invoked, the method's execution will be timed.

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean absolute  
      String name  
    • Element Detail

      • name

        String name
        The name of the timer.
      • absolute

        boolean absolute
        If true, use the given name as an absolute name. If false, use the given name relative to the annotated class. When annotating a class, this must be false.