Class GraphiteRabbitMQ

    • Constructor Detail

      • GraphiteRabbitMQ

        public GraphiteRabbitMQ​(com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
                                String exchange)
        Creates a new client with a given a ConnectionFactory and an amqp exchange
        connectionFactory - the ConnectionFactory used to establish connection and publish to graphite server
        exchange - the amqp exchange
      • GraphiteRabbitMQ

        public GraphiteRabbitMQ​(String rabbitHost,
                                Integer rabbitPort,
                                String rabbitUsername,
                                String rabbitPassword,
                                String exchange)
        Creates a new client given connection details
        rabbitHost - the rabbitmq server host
        rabbitPort - the rabbitmq server port
        rabbitUsername - the rabbitmq server username
        rabbitPassword - the rabbitmq server password
        exchange - the amqp exchange
      • GraphiteRabbitMQ

        public GraphiteRabbitMQ​(String rabbitHost,
                                Integer rabbitPort,
                                String rabbitUsername,
                                String rabbitPassword,
                                String exchange,
                                Integer rabbitConnectionTimeoutMS,
                                Integer rabbitSocketTimeoutMS,
                                Integer rabbitRequestedHeartbeatInSeconds)
        Creates a new client given connection details
        rabbitHost - the rabbitmq server host
        rabbitPort - the rabbitmq server port
        rabbitUsername - the rabbitmq server username
        rabbitPassword - the rabbitmq server password
        exchange - the amqp exchange
        rabbitConnectionTimeoutMS - the connection timeout in milliseconds
        rabbitSocketTimeoutMS - the socket timeout in milliseconds
        rabbitRequestedHeartbeatInSeconds - the hearthbeat in seconds